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Thermische printkoppen

I have a question: contact Brauer


The core business of Brauer is the refurbishing and selling of thermal printheads

for nearly all brands of label printers, card printers and POS (point of sales) printers.

We provide thermal printheads for these common printers:




For any enquiry, please contact info@thermalprintheads.eu.

[For the manufacturers ZEBRA® and INTERMEC®, please mention the printer type and the resolution (see above) you wish to have]

Given our stock management as well as decades of experience in distribution, we are able to provide short delivery times.

BRAUER, a partner you can trust.


All product names and referenced companies are trademarks, registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective holders.
Brauer does not intentionally or otherwise pretend to be associated with or represent any of the companies or registered brands.